Friday, January 28, 2011

Be Here to Love Me (dir Margaret Brown, 2004)

Group 1 Responses (400 word minimum). Focus on themes, or specific scene shots, or some other aspect of the film or its social, cultural, musical context. Due by the end of Tuesday.

Group 2 comments (200 word minimum): Supply a thoughtful comment that expands upon one (or several) of Group 1 responses.

Here's a link to the documentary from hulu:

Here's a clip of Steve Earle playing a Townes song. This was sung during his recent concert promoting an album full of Townes songs. (The two were close enough that Earle named his son, JT, after Townes (Justin Townes Earle).) It's a nice comment on Townes' traveling lifestyle (the song he plays into at the 5:30 mark is a Van Zandt inspired song written by Steve Earle):

Friday, January 14, 2011

Woodstock (dir Michael Wadleigh, 1970)

Responses (400 word minimum) to Woodstock. Focus on themes, or specific scene shots, or some other aspect of the film or its social, cultural, musical context. Due by the end of Tuesday.

Fall 2010 Class Entries END HERE.

Spring 2011 Entries begin above.